Human Computer nteraction (Part 2)

This is a continuation of Part 1 showing some very preliminary results. 

A very important aspect of conducting research is ethics, and when in a university environment this is handled through the internal review board (IRB). They make sure that any project dealing with human subjects is conducted ethically, and that all the subjects are treated properly, their rights not disrupted, and privacy is handled properly. After two months of handling the IRB paperwork, I finally have the go ahead to recruit subjects and see some data.

This data is simple, long logs recording the pixel (x,y) location of a users mouse cursor. The main point of this is to determine various user habits. If we can look at how users behaved, we can try to predict where they will be, and place all interfaces in the right spot. By placing navigation, and content in the right part of a computer program, we can make users life easier. 

Now we go back to the question asked in the previous section. Where is the location of the mouse over a period of a month? Does it trend towards the center of the screen? The upper left? The upper right? Maybe towards the bottom? How does a mac user differ from a windows user? how does a programmer differ from a secretary, or from somebody who uses the computer only for entertainment. 

What can we tell from this image. Obviously it s a a lot of data, and shows little detail. However it does point to a few very important habits. I tend highly to the upper left. I am also a very heavy user of the task bar, browser tabs, and close buttons. What happens if we look at all this data over shorter periods of time. More details, less proper averaging. 

This image shows the results from just a few hours of usage. I can't tell as much about where my mouse tends to live. I can however identify independent paths. What was the point of these paths, are they straight, or do i go down round-about paths. How fast do i go between targets.

Finally lets analyze another unknown user. I can not say anything abotu this user, but what can you tell from it. How does this user compare to me. Obviously if we were designing an interface for me, it would be of best use to put my navigation in the upper left but how about for this user.

I asked a lot of questions and posted some data. Comment, give me some ideas, theories, answers, and suggestions. Please cite me anytime you use this data. Suggest ideas and things you notice or want answered. All of this data is just now coming in, and we are still coming up with new analysis to run. 

Finally, I really need more participants for this. If you want to contribute to the academic filed contact me ( I would ask you to run a program on your computer which logs your mouse position. It does not log any personal data or key strokes. Doing this for me would be a great benefit.


  1. Shoot me a link or email me that program, and I'll definitely install it.

  2. I'd be willing to be a mac user participant.
