Obama VS. Citi

You know, I may be too young to make a fair argument on this, but I am excited. Not excited because our economy is failing, quality of education dropping, and people losing jobs left and right. I am excited because it seems for the first time in 8 years (the reason I may be too young to have a valid opinion) our president gives me hope.

It is no longer the hype of getting rid of Bush, or an African American president, or hope. It is the hype of things getting done.

Some background on general common sense many people lack. If I have a good job, and am making extra money, sure I go buy new gadgets, and enjoy the lavish lifestyle. If on the other hand I get fired and borrowing money for rent from friends, family, or the government, I should not be spending my money on a new TV. Simple no? Actions have benefits, and consequences, we get one or the other. Moving on.

If your company is taking a bailout check from the government, isn’t that a sign that your company is not doing well. So do you go out and buy that new $50million extremely fancy jet and live lavishly. No you do not.

That is why when Citi was figuratively bitch slapped by Obama, and others, I was extremely excited. Things are getting done.


Now let’s take care of those CEO’s that recklessly drove their companies into the ground and exited with millions of dollars in bonuses and obnoxious perks. Risk means sharing in benefits AND consequences. 

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